Doctorants | AMUP

I am a lecturer in Architectural and Landscape Design at KIT in Karlsruhe, architect and founder partner of ar3. I taught at the École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Strasbourg (ENSAS) before starting in Karlsruhe in 2019, where I coordinate the Double Master Programm with ENSAS. I also collaborate regularely with other European Universities as ENSA Clermont-Ferrand or ESALA in Edinburgh. 

My research is nourrished by my professional practice, curatorial work and extensive writing and interviewing. The core of these investigations focuses in the intersection of cultural processes and the appropriation of space. This body of work consolidates a consistent narrative of the built environment and its interaction with an evolving society. In 2019, I have been Resident at the Maison d’Architecture de Corse, using audiovisual tools to unveal the relationships between culture, place-making, identity and rural development.

Cueva, J.; Almeida I.Y.; Fröhlich, K., Dermann, A. F.; Dermann, F., Köhler, M.; Grossmann, J.; Meier, W.; Bauhus, J.;Schröder, D., Sardemann, G.; Thomas, C.; Romero Carnicero, A.; Saha, S.
Synergies and tradeoffs in ecosystem services from urban and peri-urban forests and their implication to sustainable city design and planning. Sustainable Cities and Society, 82, 103903

Romero Carnicero, A. (2023). Exploring metropolitan borderscapes: Social bridges in public spaces of transnational urban conglomerates. UOU Scientific Journal, (05). Retrieved from

Thèse en cours

The role of data analysis for urban speculative scenarios with nature

An atlas of multidimensional and transscalar computational methods

École doctorale
École doctorale 519 - Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société - Université de Strasbourg.
Directeur de thèse
Co-directeur de thèse
Henri BAVA
Axe 2 : Métropolisation, Territorialisation, Projets de Transition
Thématique transversale "Enjeux environnementaux"